Essential addons for voxel

Advanced Notifications

Advanced notification addon is a collection of improvements for the notifications of the Voxel theme

Setting Up Email Notifications for Multiple Admins

If your website has multiple admins or staff members responsible for management, the Notifications addon of Essential Addons for Voxel will allow you to send in-app notifications and emails to multiple admins instead of just one admin, as default in the Voxel theme.

After activating this addon for the Voxel theme, you can switch on the admins to whom you want to send notifications to at WP backend > EA4V > Settings > Notifications.

Note: This addon operates based on the app events settings of Voxel theme. Therefore, you need to enable the Notify addon and customize the content to be sent to admins at WP backend > Voxel > App Events.

OneSignal Integration

Check OneSignal integration document.


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