Essential addons for voxel

OneSignal integration (push in-app notifications)

OneSignal integration addon allows you to push Voxel in-app notifications to user devices.

About OneSignal

OneSignal is a platform that enables you to push notifications to users’ browsers for free.


How to activate OneSignal addon

To activate OneSignal addon, you need to install and activate the ‘OneSignal – Web Push Notifications’ plugin. Then, go toWP Backend > EA4V > Settings > Enable/Disable Addons and enable OneSignal integration

Set up Onesignal

Follow this instruction to install OneSignal in your wordpress


Permission Prompt Setup

Choose type of Prompt use want to show on your website

OneSignal Integration

Activate EA4V OneSignal integration


Enable Voxel and EA4V App events

Last step, enable Send in-app notification for ea4v and voxel events you want to push


iOS requires adding your website as a PWA to enable device notifications.

This means any in-app notifications from Voxel will be sent to the user’s registered device

In addition, you can combine it with the SuperPWA addon to create an app with push notifications.

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