Each Voxel price will be automatically created as a simple or subscription WooCommerce product
Edit price in Woocommerce
After creating a price, you can edit it by modifying the product (name, price, type). When the product is saved, the Voxel price will be automatically updated.
Sync from Woocommerce
In case you have made multiple changes to a WooCommerce product created by a price, and it is still not synchronized with the Voxel plan, click here to sync Voxel with WooCommerce.
Disable price
In case multiple customers have subscribed to a price, but you want to deactivate it, select ‘Disable price.’ The product’s status will change to ‘Trash,’ which will not cause issues for existing customers (especially with subscriptions) and will prevent new customers from subscribing.
Deleting a price will remove both the Voxel price and the product created by it.
Accessing products created by Voxel from the frontend
When someone visits the link of a product created by a Voxel price, they will be automatically redirected to the Voxel current plan page.
Membership Checkout
WooCommerce products created by Voxel prices can only be purchased by clicking the link in the Voxel Pricing Table widget and cannot be purchased directly using WooCommerce’s standard ‘Add to Cart’ button.
One time payment price
The user’s membership will be linked to the WooCommerce order.
When the user pays via automatic methods, the order status will automatically update to ‘Completed‘, and voxel membership is active.
If they make a manual payment, the site admin will need to manually activate it by changing the order status to ‘Completed’.
The Voxel membership information of the user will always be updated when you edit the WooCommerce order (status).
Recurring price
With a recurring price, the user’s Voxel membership will be linked to the WooCommerce subscription.
By default, if you do not allow manual payments in the subscription, the membership status will automatically update to ‘Active’ once the user successfully completes the payment.
Additionally, any changes you make to the WooCommerce subscription will be synchronized with the user’s Voxel membership (status, renewal date, etc.).
Plan switching
Switch from one time payment plan to one time payment
Similar to Voxel Native, if users switch from one one-time plan to another, their membership will be newly activated once the payment is completed.
Switch from recurring plan to one time payment plan
When a user switches from a recurring plan to a one-time payment plan, the WooCommerce subscription of the plan and the WooCommerce subscription of the additional submission associated with that plan will be automatically canceled. At the same time, the user’s membership will be linked to the new order.
Similarly, switching plans will create a checkout process that follows the WooCommerce settings for checkout options.
Switch from recurring plan price to recurring plan price
To allow switching between recurring plans, WA4V automatically enable ‘Switch Between Grouped Subscriptions‘ in the WooCommerce Subscriptions settings (wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=subscriptions)
At this point, it works as if you’re switching from one WooCommerce subscription product to another, and it will be handled by WooCommerce itself.
You can also configure Prorate in the WooCommerce Subscriptions settings
Plan modify
WA4V also allows modifying plans like Voxel Native. Each price of each post type will be created as a WooCommerce simple product or subscription product, depending on the plan it is associated with.
One-time prices
the membership post limitation purchased will be assigned to the WooCommerce order.
It will be added when the order status is set to “completed.”
Therefore, similar to the plan, for automatic payment methods, the order status will be automatically updated to “completed.”
On the other hand, if the payment method is manual, you will need to manually update the order status for the limitation to be updated.
For recurring prices
the purchased post limitation will be assigned to the WooCommerce subscription.
The limitation will be added when the subscription is active.
Conversely, any additional limitations will be deducted when the subscription is canceled.