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How to creating a Location Report Button Using Voxel and EA4V

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The article will guide you through creating a report button for users to report fake or unlawful listings. This solution use Voxel post type and Essential Addons for Voxel theme plugin. Please download and activate the addons for Voxel theme , then activate the license key at EA4V > License.

Step 1: Create a Report post type using Voxel, set post submission to pending review.

  1. Go to WP Dashboard > Structure > Post types > Create post type to Create a Report post type using Voxel.
  2. After created the post type, go to WP dashboard > Reports > Edit Post type and download json config file which you can download in the link above.
  3. Report place is post relation field which link Report post type to the post type that you want to allow user report
  4. The ‘response’ field is only displayed for users with the admin role, allowing admins to record their feedback regarding the report.
  5. Then  set post submission to pending review.
  6. After that, create single post type, preview card and create post template for the post type. (download above)
  7. Allow free user add reports by going to WP Dashboard > Membership > Plans > Edit free plan > Post submissions, then, add Reports post type and set post limit.
  8. Make sure you set Voxel visibility of single Report template to User can edit current post if you want reports are private

Step 2: Add create report template using Advanced post widget

Follow the instructions to create a post template in Voxel theme as shown in the images below or download the create post template.

  1. In widget Content tab, change labels and hide unnecessary buttons
  2. Modify the form messages to suit the report form
  3. Add addition buttons for created success screen
  4. Change publish icon
  5. Set default status to ‘under-review’ and hide it from the form
  6. Set default value for place relation post field to ‘@site().query_var(place)’

Step 3: Create a report status taxonomy.

Next step is create report status taxonomy for Report post type. Go to WP Dashboard > Structure > Taxonomy > Create taxonomy.

Then, create report status terms in WP Dashboard > Reports > Report Status:

  • Under review
  • Resolved
  • Rejected 

Step 4: Enable App Events for the Report post type

  • Enable report notifications for post authors so that reporters receive notifications when there are responses from the admin. Ensure that you use Voxel create post form instead of the WordPress edit post backend for the notifications to be effective.
  • You can also set up notifications for the admin if you do not check the website daily

Step 5: Place the report button on the post type you desire.

Create a hyperlink to the report form with the value of the post relation field set beforehand in the URL


Step 6: Double-check to ensure that it works accurately with all roles.

Make sure everything work using this Voxel theme addons

  • Published on 03/08/2024
Picture of Huy Duc Nguyen

Huy Duc Nguyen

from with ❤


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